My Services

Massage- Therapy

Enjoy a massage based on Shiatsu, mixed with other therapeutic techniques. (F.e; deep tissue, calatonia), adapted to your individual needs (pressure, touch) from your head until the toes.
A hole bodymassage covering up all the japonese accupressure points is my secret for a journey into the depth of your body wisdom. A heating-blanket, pure coldpressed oils and relaxing music are my little helpers to provide you a pleasant massage- experience.
I come at your place or meet me at the studio.

From €40.00

Body Reading



You maybe sense that your body contains your individual life-story? You want to know how your physical symptons are related to your personality? Or you just want to know more about yourself?


In this session you first enjoy a massage, finding out about your body-sensations and manifestations ( tension, pain, high sensibility), that give you, together with my reading, the key to understand the psychosomatic language of your body.

Later we meet the root of it´s origen by connecting the symptom with the conscious mind using tools (breathing, sensing, muscle-activation) of the somatic Psychotherapy approach Bodynamic®.


Family Constellation

I like to use the tool Family constellation when I'm finding out with the client during a therapy-session, that there is maybe an ongoing, strong family pattern in my clients family-system that it breaks his/her therapy process and well-being. The pattern may can contain: - a disease (psychological or/ and physical symptoms ) - a behavior that provokes complications in relationship to others. - deep emotions and obviously there is no reason that there here. - in general, difficult relationships with other family members/ business partner/ friends How can a family-constellation help here? -Re-establish the order in a family system (For instance, a child can not assume the papers of an adult, sadly this happens a lot.) - Re-establish the hierarchy: ( The oldest child of siblings has a certain priority in a family system. ) - Re-integrate excluded family-member. ( The "black sheep" also makes part in a family. If it is excluded the behavior can repeat in a future family-member) We´re deeply connected to our family-system through genes and a morphic field (Ruppert Sheldrake)that follows certain rules and principles to hold the family system together. Pattern and Symptoms are a "wake- up" call for the the next generation to make it different than a previous generation. Individual sessions can be booked online or presencial.


Bodynamic® somatic Psychotherapy

What is Bodynamic?
(Text by Hadi Marcher, 2024. CEO of Bodynamic)
Bodynamic, a somatic psychology system, in an inspirational way.
Bodynamic is not just a system, it’s a journey. A journey into the depths of our being, an exploration of the body and mind’s intimate connection. It’s about understanding that every muscle, every movement, each breath we take, narrates a story about who we are, how we feel, and what we’ve experienced.
Our body is a beautifully complex orchestra, each muscle playing a different note, contributing to the symphony of our existence. And like any great orchestra, it requires understanding, tuning, and practice. The knowledge Bodynamic provides us with is a key to the grand auditorium of our selves.
Through this journey, we discover that our muscles are not just physical entities, but emotional landmarks. Each one carries a specific psychological imprint, a reflection of our experiences, our joys, our pains, our victories, and our struggles. It’s a map to our inner world, waiting to be explored.
Bodynamic encourages us to perceive the subtle nuances of our muscular system, from over elastic to under elastic muscles, each with its own unique tale. This detailed understanding helps us tune into the physical manifestation of our mental state. In that, we find a language that transcends words. It’s a dialogue between the body and the mind, between the seen and the unseen, between the known and the unknown.
So, let’s embrace this journey. Let’s delve deeper into the understanding of ourselves. Let’s listen to the whispers of our muscles, the subtle languages of our body. For it’s in these whispers that we will find the strength to face our challenges, the resilience to overcome our obstacles, and the wisdom to celebrate our victories.
Remember, in every fiber of our being lies the potential for transformation. In the contraction and expansion of our muscles, we find the rhythm of life. We are not merely observers of this dance, but the dancers ourselves. Bodynamic is not just a tool, but a partner in this dance. It’s not just a system, it’s a compass guiding us towards a more embodied, grounded, and authentic existence.
This is the essence of Bodynamic – the understanding that our bodies are not separate from our minds, but a vivid expression of it. Our muscles, therefore, become the storytellers of our lives, teaching us, guiding us, and most importantly, inspiring us to become the best version of ourselves.

From €40.00